The success from the correct use of opportunities given by the European Union Structural and Cohesion funds is based on the following key factors:
- Assessment of the priorities of the organization and identification of fields in its activity, where external resources are needed for achieving its goals.
- Based on this, the up-to-date access to information about the opportunities for participation in projects funded by the EU, able to support the development of the organisation, gives an opportunity for more effective planning of resources for achievement of its main objectives.
- The high quality and timely preparation of the project proposals ensures a very good success rate in the application process.
Hence, realistic and effective planning of development is ensured, where the investment in time and financial resources is optimized. This is the objective of the service offered by us, which provides effective usage of the opportunities for financing under EU-funded programmes, projects and initiatives.
Based on the needs and priorities of the organization (public institution or a private company) Euroconsultants Bulgaria S.A. AD provides a specialised product, called an Action plan, which ensures prioritization of the available opportunities, which the different EU-funded programmes offer for participation in grant schemes, as the following is identified:
- Sources of funding
- Project objectives
- Possible partners (including at European level)
- Distribution of the budget and the co-financing, as well as possibilities for bank financing
- Time frame for project development and implementation